Business Systems and Organization

for Solopreneurs, Small or Home Businesses, Corporate Departments

Whether you work alone or manage a small business or corporate department, I will create a more organized and productive environment for you and your business.  Your office, workload and workflow will be more efficient, so your time will be spent more effectively.

Desktop Systems and File Management

  • Do you ‘file by pile?’  How’s that working for you? There are alternatives, even for those of us who are of the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ mentality.

  • Is your desk covered with papers and stuff? How much time do you lose looking for things or feeling overwhelmed?

  • Are you on top of your Action projects? Or do you misplace key pieces of information?

  • Can you find what you need when you need it? How long does it take? A filing system is actually a retrieval system – let’s make it convenient and efficient!

  • Would you benefit from going paperless? This is estimated to yield savings of 30-40%

I’ll show you how to organize your office, papers and projects so they work for you!

open_quoteI hired Susan as I was starting a new business and thus adding a lot of work to an already overwhelming workload. Susan quickly showed me how to organize not only my office and workspace, but my thinking about my various goals and tasks.close_quote

Gayle Watkins

Owner, Gaylan's Golden Retrievers

The average executive loses more than two weeks each year looking for items.
When ADD/ADHD or executive function challenges are involved, the wasted time more than doubles.

Time Management Strategies

  • Do you track and prioritize your work?  Are you spending your time wisely?

  • Are you up to date on your reports? Your billing?  Or do you feel constantly behind?

  • How effectively do you use your calendar/planner?  Do you have a daily Action list?

  • Have you organized your future projects, so when you are ready, you can begin work? Or will you have to ‘reinvent the wheel’ each time you begin a new project?

 Let’s create some simple forms and systems that will save you hours of work.

Computer Organization

  • Are your computer files organized? Can you find what you want (and save information) quickly and efficiently?

  • Are you a victim of computer clutter? Are you on top of your inbox? Is it time for a file clean out?

  • Do you have email guidelines? Do you write for clarity? Is the distribution list clear and thought out?

  • Do you have duplicate files or multiple people holding on to the same emails? Who is in-charge?

Computer organization is as critical as paper management for peak performance.

Getting It Done: Action Files and Project Management

  • Do you have systems to easily access and track relevant information when working on projects (whether a marketing plan or new client proposal)?

  • Do you break projects into tasks and have a timeline, so you know what needs to be done when, and avoid getting overloaded and going into avoidance mode?

This process can be overwhelming, but I can help. And once you ‘get it,’ you own it.

Make Work Easier: Office Efficiency

  • office-organization-specialistCan anyone find what they need when they need it? Or are you the only one who knows where things are?

  • Is your office set up for expeditious workflow? Are processes and spaces efficient?

  • Is there a clear job definition for every employee, 1099 or virtual assistant? Or do they define their own responsibilities? Is there redundancy or overlap?

  • Do you use standardized templates and forms to expedite work and simplify record-keeping? Or does everyone start from scratch?

  • Are there meeting guidelines to avoid wasting time?

  • Is there an office manual of standard operating procedures that outlines exactly how to accomplish key tasks? Could someone take over critical tasks if a person – or you! – weren’t able to do his or her job?

  • Do you monitor standards so you have control over office functions? Are you on top of things?

An office cannot run itself.  Grow your business with systems that support your success!

Ready to change life as you know it?

I can work with you by phone, Zoom and email.
Click here to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation conversation,
or contact me at 914.373.4787!