Why Work With Susan?
Because Getting Things Done Doesn't Have to Be a Struggle!- Gain clarity, energy and renewed productivity
- Eliminate the barriers that are holding you back
- Frustration is overrated – you deserve to live the life you love!
- You get more than a Coach – I’m a hybrid Coach-Consultant-Organizer-Mentor-Educator
With more than 25 years of experience helping individuals and businesses to succeed, I have a wealth of knowledge that I like to share, so:
- As a COACH, I actively listen to what you say and ask the questions that will move you forward. After all, you are the expert on you! My job is to empower your success by “partnering with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.” (International Coach Federation Definition of Coaching)
- If you are stuck growing your business or want to work more productively (whether you are a student or adult), I freely contribute the fresh perspective of a CONSULTANT and the support of a MENTOR, offering advice when appropriate.
- Need to better organize your home or workplace? I put on my PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER hat to help.
- Dealing with the many challenges of ADD /ADHD or executive function issues? I will guide you as an EDUCATOR, by separating fact from fiction. I’ll share relevant experiences of the hundreds (thousands?) of people I’ve helped (maintaining privacy!), along with my perspective as an ADDult and parent of a now-grown child with ADHD. Scroll down to “I Have Special Expertise in ADD/ADHD” to learn more.
- You will learn my unique coaching/self-coaching approach, Get Out of Your Own Way: The 7-Step PowerPlan to Success™ that I introduced at the international ADHD Coaches & Professionals Conference. It is an extraordinarily effective way of moving into action that is do-able and sustainable (and a great alternative for those of us who are not of the Nike® ‘Just DO It’ mentality, or if you are someone who is more likely to Ready-Fire-Aim than think things through). NOTE: When you sign up for my mailing list, you can download a 20-page Guidebook that walks you through the 7-Step PowerPlan.
- I also offer a 28-day online group Action/Accountability Program, The TUIT Project, so you can finally get around To It – those important, but not urgent tasks and projects that keep getting postponed. In this online community, you’ll have my coaching support and encouragement, and that of every member of your small group (www.OvercomeOverwhelm.com).
“During even our first session I felt the energy begin to shift. I felt a sense of being heard, or understood, because Susan just ‘got it.’ I felt a positive sense of empowerment that I was taking back control. Susan was warm, straight-forward and kind in the process.”

I understand Overwhelm and Brain-Fog first-hand, and struggle to be more productive and organized. (Even though I am a Productivity Coach and Professional Organizer, I need to hire myself for the day to create systems and straighten up!)
Over the years I’ve discovered tools and strategies that work with the way I think, to help me succeed. That’s why I’m on a mission to help you stop beating yourself up for what you’re not, and to recognize, respect and work from your strengths.
We will discover solutions that work with the way You think. You CAN compensate for your challenges and succeed despite (and sometimes because of) them.
I have tons of official training.
But what really matters is my ability to make a difference in your life.
Here are my credentials (at least some of them), but all they mean is that I take classes (I’m a life-long learner), that I’ve passed some tests and that I’ve had a qualifying number of clients. To me, what really matters is my ability to transfer knowledge, to help you move forward, and to co-create a Coaching Experience that is meaningful for both of us and inspires positive and lasting change.
- BCC – Board Certified Coach, Center for Credentialing & Education
- SCAC – Senior Credentialed ADHD Coach, Institute for the Advancement of ADHD Coaching
- Edge-Certified Student Coach
- Certified Holistic Time Mastery Coach (balancing home/work/self-care)
- Productive Environment Specialist™ – trained in office systems and productivity
- Certified Consultant, The Paper Tiger – information management systems
- Trained Organizer-Coach™ – a marriage of coaching and professional organizing
- Level II Specialist in Chronic Disorganization, ICD (Institute for Challenging Disorganization)
- Certified Career & Life Planning Specialist – helping clients make good career decisions
- Golden Circle Member of NAPO, the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals
- ICF (International Coach Federation), ACO (ADHD Coaches Organization), ICD (Institute for Challenging Disorganization), ADDA (Adult ADHD Association), CHADD (Children & Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), WSA (Women Speakers Association), PWW (Professional Women of Westchester), Women’s Small Business Advisory Board and a bunch of other industry and educational organizations

My really diversified experience
Makes it easier for me to help you.
Coaching is about YOU, but you might want to know more about me. Since 1991 I’ve been helping individuals and businesses to survive and thrive as a coach, consultant and professional organizer, but I bring years of business experience to this process.
- I write and lecture extensively on productivity, ADD/ADHD, executive functioning, ideas to action, time and project management, prioritization and goal setting, organization strategies (home, home office and office; paper and electronic), motivation, work/life balance, self-care, the power of saying ‘No,’ parenting skills, education, job satisfaction and personal growth.
- My background is really diverse (typical of ADHD!). I’ve been a corporate vice president of marketing and creative director, owner of a computer related business, founder of a non-profit and consultant to small businesses and start-ups (marketing and office systems). I’m also a speaker and trainer, writer, ghostwriter and artist. And I’ve been a Productivity & ADD/ADHD Coach and Professional Organizer for more than 25 years.
- My Workshops and Seminars help many groups. These have ranged from local organizations, schools and networking groups to the New York City Department of Education and NYU Medical School, from Project Head Start, Volunteers of America and Columbia Teacher’s College to corporate human resource departments and employee assistance programs. I speak at regional, national and even international conferences.
- I’m often interviewed as a Guest Expert on broadcast and internet radio, cable TV, teleseminars and webinars.
My Education: I am a magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the State University of New York at Binghamton’s Harpur College (having also attended Brooklyn College of the City of NY and the Royal University of Malta). I hold a master’s degree in Public Communications from the S.I. Newhouse School of Syracuse University. (Contrary to what most people think, you can be successful academically and/or in business and still suffer from ADD or executive function deficits.) Of course, I’ve taken numerous coach training programs over the years.

I have special expertise in ADD/ADHD.

The devastation of this disorder can not be taken lightly. You’ve helped spread awareness throughout the tri-state area. There must be thousands of people that you have affected.
The knowledge and information you disseminate has provided me with much ‘ammunition’ to bring back to the schools and try to help teachers understand this disorder.
I want to thank you for myself and the many people who cannot or will not be able to write the words to express our appreciation.
- In 1989 I co-founded the New York City Chapter of CHADD (Children & Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), in a desperate attempt to find out more about ADD (pre-ADHD terminology), after my then 4 year old son was diagnosed. (Learn more about this international education and advocacy organization at www.chadd.org.) I didn’t realize I had ADD (being fairly successful, female, and minus the ‘H’), until several years later. That’s when so many things in my life began to make sense. I’ve also had first-hand experience with how ADD impacts marriages, having been married to an ADHD spouse.
- In 1991 I co-founded The A.D.D. Resource Center Inc.,a NYC organization offering educational, remedial and support programs (check out their highly informative website at www.addrc.org). This is when I seriously began coaching and organizing clients with ADHD or its symptoms.
- I present workshops on ADHD-related topics for educators, treatment professionals, adults, parents, students, corporations, government and non-profit organizations and ADHD support groups. I’ve spoken about ADD at a Fortune 500 conference on Dis-Abilities in the Workplace, the international ADDIS conference in London, several Regional Conferences on ADHD, the National Association of Professional Organizers Conference and the international ADHD Coaches & Professionals Conference.
- I regularly attend ADHD-related conferences, seminars, webinars and training programs to stay up-to-date with new research and concepts.
- I’ve written or co-authored numerous InfoSheets, self-help guides and articles on ADHD-related topics, including a cover story for ADDvance magazine, articles in ADDitude and Attention! magazines, seven years of monthly Newsletters for CHADD of NYC, numerous guest blogs, and the ebook “Managing Your Child with ADHD at Home and at School”. I edited a picture book explaining ADD to children, and co-authored a book on ADHD that was translated into Spanish and published in Argentina, plus two Amazon bestsellers “365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD” and “365+1 Ways to Succeed with ADHD.”
- I am currently really excited to be working on my book and workbook,“Get Out of Your Own Way: The 7-Step PowerPlan to Success with ADHD.” (This is a targeted version of the 7-Step PowerPlan to Success™, which is explained in the Free EBOOK you get when you sign up for my mailing list.)