The right tools make it easier to achieve your goals.SCROLL DOWN for these Sections (or use the Menu Bar above), then click on an image to get more information, download or purchase.
- Great BOOKS about ADHD, Executive Function, Coaching, Organization, Motivation, Self-Care, Parenting and more
- PRODUCTS I really like, for Time & Project Management, Organization and Productivity
- FREE InfoSheets and Articles
- FREE Screeners and Self-Evaluations
- Trusted WEBSITES for info on ADD/ADHD and more
Go to my Home Page to join my mailing list and receive my 20-Page workbook, “Get Out of Your Own Way: The 7-Step PowerPlan to Success.” Thanks!
Books I Recommend
There are so many wonderful books on the topics I'm passionate about! This is a small selection of some of my favorites.Products I Like
Staying organized and productive is a lot easier with the right tools.Label Maker – The #1 tool for organizing – get one that prints up to 3/4″ or 1″ high labels for larger or multi-line items.
Student Planner – Students gain clarity about what is due when, making it easier to plan their time and get work done. Separate rows per subject plus a full week at a glance.
Use this pad with Daily Planner Sheets to focus on your priority tasks for the day. Also track important items like things you feel grateful about, water intake and more.
Project Folders – Great substitutes for file folders (easier to manage), or to contain like items within a folder. Clear or translucent colors. Label your Action projects and keep in desktop magazine files for easy access.
Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition software allows you to speak while it writes, learning your voice for accuracy. Various versions are available.
CLICK on the IMAGE for a link to more details and purchasing options.
Label Printer – This printer attaches to your computer and prints a variety of paper labels, from file folder to address. Network version available.
Planner Pads – My favorite planner (more than a calendar). Write your weekly goals by category in the top sections, decide daily priorities in the middle sections, then schedule your day in the bottom sections. Online version also available.
Meal Planner & Shopping List – Eat better while you save time and money. Plan your meals for the week and write any needed ingredients on the adjacent shopping list.
I might receive a small fee for some – not all – books and products, but they wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love them!
The Livescribe series of smart note-taking pe can record lectures, and allow for selective playback.
This Goblin Message Board with Phone Holder attaches to your computer monitor so you really see those priority items!
Magazine Holders – Terrific for converting those horizontal piles to easy-access vertical ones. Group like items and label for content.
TimeTimers – These count-down clocks give a real sense of the passage of time. The red area grows smaller the closer you come to your deadline.
The Paper Tiger – Switch to a filing system that works! An easy, comprehensive ‘finding system’ that gets better the more you use it. End confusion about what you put where. Even works for collections or anything you want to track. Desktop or online versions.

I don’t advocate a particular brand, but I’ve found that work is easier with a full-spectrum natural sunlight lamp, whether a desk or floor model. Florescent lighting can be annoying (and, some studies show, unhealthy). There’s something about a sunlight lamp that I find energizing – just don’t use it before you go to sleep!
Hanging File Organizer from Pendaflex lets you easily see and access your action files, then fold them up for convenient transport.
Resources I Trust
There's a lot of info out there - here are some sites that provide real value.- The ADD Resource Center
- ADD Resources
- Additude Magazine
- C.H.A.D.D ‑ Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- National Attention Deficit Disorder Association
- The National Resource Center on ADHD, funded by the CDC
Science-based information about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
- CrusherTV
Fun and informational videos full of productivity hacks and more.
Free Information - Enjoy!
Six Clusters of Executive Function
Based on the work of Dr. Thomas E Brown
10 Tips to FINALLY Get Things Done
Tips for Taking Action -Susan Lasky
6 Tips to Get – and Stay – Organized
Tips for Getting Organized -Susan Lasky
ADHD & School – Not a Good Match
-Harold Meyer & Susan Lasky
Free Self-Evaluations and Screeners
From the World Health Organization